Jim Matthies

Jim Matthies



Jim and Janna Matthies were married in 1996 and have three children: Isabelle, Nathan and Ben. Jim was in the business world in Chicago for seven years before taking his first staff pastor position at the Indy Vineyard in 1997. In 2000 Jim and Janna planted the Midtown Vineyard in Butler-Tarkington and pastored the church through 2006. After another brief stint in the business world, Jim joined the pastoral staff at Common Ground in 2008 as the spiritual formation pastor. Jim continues to oversee spiritual formation, along with missions.

Jim enjoys hiking, exploring cities/countries, retreating with God; watching Ben play soccer and traveling to Uganda with him; seeing Nathan play baseball and taking major league road trips with him; experiencing Isabelle’s art/music and discussing politics/current events with her; and most importantly, spending quiet time with Janna in favorite spots like Evanston, IL; Door County, WI; and Southwest Michigan.